SLO Motion Shoes is excited to incorporate the latest findings in footwear research presented at the 12th Footwear Biomechanics Symposium held in Liverpool, England. This biannual meeting of the Footwear Biomechanics Group offers a forum for the discussion of clinical, athletic, and other functional footwear among more than 300 members of industry from across the [...]Read More
Posted by slomotionshoes | 24 May, 2015
The Anatomy of a Callus
The old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words” so aptly applies while looking at this picture of the bottom of the foot. Thickened skin or callus on the bottom of the foot occurs because of high pressure and friction during walking. Although thought to be protective of the skin it can be quite [...]Read More -
Posted by slomotionshoes | 24 April, 2015
The Woes of Being Barefoot
Treating lower extremity conditions is a lot like treating a broken bone. A broken bone will heal by preventing motion at the fracture site. Immobilization with a cast is a traditional treatment tool for someone who has a broken bone. Preventing motion at the fracture site allows the bone healing cells to cross the fracture [...]Read More -
Posted by slomotionshoes | 24 February, 2015
Lacing Techniques: Bunion Step-Over
Government statistics report about 4.4 million suffer from bunions every year. Bunions affect more women than men and can be the different footwear worn. High heels and narrow toe box shoes along with gait abnormalities contribute to the development of bunions. The deviation of the first metatarsal can make it specially difficult to find footwear. [...]Read More -
Posted by slomotionshoes | 24 February, 2015
The Benefits of Running Shoe Rotation
Recent researched published in the Scandanavian Journal of Medicine and Science and reported in Lower Extremity Review, January 2014 found a 39% reduction in running injury rates if runners used multiple running shoes during their running week as compared to runners who predominantly used only one pair of shoes. The study theorized that alternating shoes [...]Read More -
Posted by slomotionshoes | 1 February, 2015
Iliotibia Band Syndrome (ITB Syndrome)
ITB syndrome is a common cause of pain to the outside knee often seen in runners. This painful overuse injury is caused when the Iliotibial band which runs from the hip to the shin through the latter side of the leg loses flexibility and becomes tight or inflamed after constant use. There are a few [...]Read More -
Posted by slomotionshoes | 21 January, 2015
Forefoot Pathologies
Whether it’s a neuroma or metatarsalgia, forefoot pain prevents many from comfortably going about their daily activities. If any type of forefoot pain have you side lined, SLO Motion Shoes is here to help you get back to walking pain-free. Learn about forefoot pathologies and how a condition specific orthotic paired with an adequate shoe can […]
Posted by slomotionshoes | 21 January, 2015
Healthy Running
Getting back to running can be a daunting task. What to wear, where to run, and how long to run all play an important part in keeping you running injury free and are easily overlooked by many but the SLO Motion Shoes staff can guide you in the right direction! This presentation specifically tailored to […]
Posted by slomotionshoes | 2 January, 2015
Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic stretching is an active form of warm up. It uses controlled movements to stretch the targeted muscle group in small increments while increasing the body’s blood flow and getting you mentally ready for the physical work ahead. The ideal dynamic stretching consists of leg, arm, and torso swings which gently take your body to [...]Read More -
Posted by slomotionshoes | 2 December, 2014
Metatarsal Stress Fracture: Treatment
Early treatment is crucial to a speedy recovery and will help relieve pain promptly. Limitation of activity is not enough to decrease load through the metatarsal. Immobilization with post-surgical shoe at least can be done but more preferably with the use of a removable cast boot or CAM walker for a three to four week [...]Read More -
Posted by slomotionshoes | 10 November, 2014
Metatarsal Stress Fracture: Diagnosis
Meeting with a physician is key for early diagnosis and treatment of a metatarsal stress fracture. In many cases patients meet with physicians and report not having a traumatic injury or even increase in activity over the period of time pain becomes apparent. Injury to the metatarsals can be very subtle as day’s walking in [...]Read More -
Posted by slomotionshoes | 5 November, 2014
November Shoe of the Month: Klogs Forest
The Klog Forest is the SLO Motion Shoes November shoe of the month! Shoe Description The new Klogs line at SLO Motion Shoes has been very popular since its arrival. One of the stand out shoes from the great line is the Forest Mary Jane. The Forest offers cutout accents on a soft leather upper which make [...]Read More